We’ve said it often – and again every year during our Missions Month services and events - but it seems it has never been more true.  Just like all the other countries of the world, America needs missionaries! God has a place for you to be His voice and hands and feet right here.  So how do you get started?


Pray – Pray for hearts to be turned toward God; pray for YOU to be aware of opportunity to share the Gospel; pray for your church that God will direct all to fulfill what He desires in order to reach America.


Remember WHO and WHOSE you are! You are chosen, ordained, anointed to fulfill Kingdom purpose.  You are a pilgrim passing through this land – this is not your eternal home – you are an ambassador of the Kingdom of God – representing  the King of Kings.  You have been bought with a price and you belong to Jesus. That’s WHO you are and that is WHOSE you are.


Be a faithful, supportive, active part of the body of Christ in your local church.  Be present.  Be reliable. Offer to help.  Give.  And why…?


The world is reached through the ministry of the church  - the outpouring of God’s love, preaching,  discipling, and training.  Build up the local church.  Serve right where you are.  Does your church (which is a mission in itself and is also a body through which Christ will reach the world) have any needs?  Are you supporting your church with your resources? Are you willing to be trained and faithful and committed?  Is there something missing which you can supply?  Watch and see what God will not only do through you, but in you as you serve right there!  Not everyone can do the same thing, but it takes all the players to score and it takes the whole body together to move forward. 


We do support missions all over the world.  But we do also recognize we have a no-less-worthy call to “Missions” right here, right now.   


Will you pray and consider what God would have you do?